Monday 3 September 2012

Stirling Engine

A stirling engine is a type of heat engine operating by cyclic compression and expansion of air or other gases.

The modern stirling engine is a clean and efficient enfine. This is because the heat driving the pistons is supplied from outside the engine and transfered through heat exchanges to the piston volume.

The stirling engine is purely reversible, this means that if you heat and cool the heat exchanger of the engine you get power out or if you provide power to the engine you get heating or coling out of it.

Stirling Cycle

     1 . Isothermal expansion- the expansion space is heated externally.
     2 . Isochoric heat removal.
     3 . Isothermal compression- the compression space is intercooled
     4 . Isochoric heat addition.

A working stirling engine

The probable applications
1. In military field- it is possible to use stirling engine as an auxiliary source of electricity for submarine and surface vessel.
2. In domestic field- It is probable that the stirling engine will develop more. this will be a way to make electricity, heat for home and way to produce domestic hot water.
3. An appropriate use of fuel(liq. oxygen or liq. hydrogen) would reduce the risk of pollution in case of an accident.

Friday 6 July 2012


An anti-lock breaking system (ABS) is an automobile safety system that allows the wheels on a motor vehicle to continue interact with driver steering inputs while braking. Thus, preventing the wheels from locking up and therefore avoid skidding. It is an automated system that uses the principles of threshold braking and cadence braking.

Initially the use of anti-lock breaking system has evolved considerably in cars, but now even bikes with this technology are available in the market(tvs apache).recent versions not only prevent wheel lock while braking, but also electronically control the front to rear break bias.

Cadence Breaking
Cadence braking is an advanced driving technique used to allow a car to both steer and brake on a slippery surface. Cadence braking involves pumping the brake pedal fairly rapidly, to make the wheels lock and unlock. It can be approximated by the following steps:

·         Press the brake pedal until wheels lock up( On dry, hard pavement you will start to hear a squealing sound).

·          Reduce brake pedal pressure so that wheels start rotating again. Note that on slippery pavement you will have to lift your foot almost entirely to regain wheel rotation.

·          Lower your foot again to increase brake pressure until the wheels lock up the second time, then lift it again to release pressure and unlock.

·          Lower your foot again to lock up the wheels the third time, then release to unlock once more.

·          Continue pumping the brakes in this fashion until the vehicle stops or the danger is over.

Anti-lock braking system performs these operations automatically many times per second in rapid succession. A human driver can perform one lock-release cycle per second with practice. This is done primarily to maintain steering control.


·         Improved vehicle control

·         Decreases stopping distance on dry and slippery surfaces

Thursday 5 July 2012


Machine engineering has a vast scope to be opted as a career. Let it be any industry, hospital or a small scale factory every major function is controlled by a machine of some sort or the other. When we talk of machines in our daily life the first thing that come across our mind is engines and automobiles. To talk of engines over a decade or so a great advancement have been reached namely DTSi, CVTi, ASFS, APDV, ATFT are few of the most commonly known innovations that have come in an engine .
Namely the digital twin spark ignition system offers phenomenal performance.

The major problem suffered in fuel combustion is that detonation occurs when flame travels from centre to the side walls. This often takes some time so this is overcomed by DTSi engine by providing two spark plugs at the opp. Sides. This reduces the flame travel time.
Twin spark plugs provide faster and better combustion of fuel. Conventionally a single spark plug is used. Two spark plugs on the either side of combustion chamber help in faster and better combustion. Pulsar is the most common example of DTSI engine vehicle.

                              .better fuel emission
                              .low emissions
                              .lesser vibrations/noise
                              .power is evenly distributed


APDV stands for advanced pro series digital variable ignition system. This means that the ignition of the spark plug is controlled digitally which offers better and efficient combustion of fuels.

           .better millage
           .improved acceleration

This technology is found in SPLENDER PRO, PASSION

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Carbon Storage Technique Raises Earthquake Risk

Move over fracking: carbon capture and storage schemes (CCS) are more likely to trigger earthquakes, warns the US National Research Council (NRC). Meanwhile, a separate study warns that quake-fractured rocks could undermine CCS efforts by allowing the trapped gas to leak back into the atmosphere.

Carbon sequestration involves pumping CO2 at high pressure below ground and trapping it in porous rocks at depths of 1 to 4 kilometres. Similar deep injection wells are used to dispose of waste water, but despite the large number of such wells, "very few [seismic] events have been documented over the past several decades", writes an NRC panel in a new report, Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies.

However, carbon capture and storage could see billions of cubic metres of fluid injected below ground – potentially enough to trigger more and larger quakes, the report concludes.

Even if those quakes do not damage property or put lives at risk, they could undermine carbon capture schemes, says Mark Zoback, a geophysicist at Stanford University in California. "If you trigger an earthquake, you are threatening the seal of the repository," he says. "CO2 is buoyant and it wants to rise and get out."

Although it is possible to find good sites to store CO2 where its added pressure would be unlikely to cause quakes or leaks, too few are available to handle the required volume, Zoback says. Older sedimentary rocks in the central US, where most power plants are located, are brittle and so are more likely to fracture and leak. Large-scale carbon capture and storage "is a risky, and likely unsuccessful, strategy" for controlling greenhouse warming, Zoback says. He presented his concerns yesterday to the Senate Energy Committee.

Plenty of quakes have been measured in the eastern and central US in the past century, he says, but oil and gas remains to be extracted from wells in the area. "If a few per cent leaks out over 10,000 years, it's unfortunate, but it's not terminal to the future of carbon capture," he says. "We need to work out how to manage it."

Sunday 17 June 2012

Audacity Review:
Every musician or sound artist wants his music to be error and noise
free. There are many tools available for editing and mixing sound and
therefore, sometimes, it can be very tricky to find the right tool to
match your needs. We’ll be talking about one of many audio editing
tools, known as Audacity. Audacity is an open-source sound editing
software which runs of Linux, Mac, and Windows.
It is available to download for free at Sourceforge and once
downloaded, it does not take long to install. It has a nice and clean
user interface with most of the lesser used functions available in
easy to access drop down menus. Main workspace is very spacious with
only a few buttons available around and therefore, sound waveform can
be analyzed easily. It does not have most attractive user interface
around but it is still very comfortable to the eyes.
This feature rich audio editor is best used for trimming and joining
audio tracks. Audio can be recorded via turntable, microphone,
cassette or a CD player. There are many effects available to modify
recorded audio such as audio compression, tempo adjustment or
amplification etc. Although it is a feature rich tool, it still lacks
some of the features, and therefore is not meant for professional use.
Audacity supports only a few file formats and extra plugins are
required to export edited audio into desired format. There are many
third party plugins available which add to its functionality without
too much of hassle. This tool comes bundled with nice documentation
with examples, so that users can make use of its features to the
fullest. There are many tutorials available on many forums and wiki
sites online.
Positive Points:
•       Uncluttered and easy to use workspace
•       Many features available, either built-in or through plugins.
•       Excellent for doing low to mid-level editing and therefore suits beginners.
Negative Points:
•       Supports only a few file formats.
•        Only suitable for basic editing.
This tool is very handy for entry to mid-level editing, but for
professional use, it doesn’t have much spark. Considering it is free
and open source and still better than many other commercial products,
it is definitely worth a try.
Rating: 4.5/5

Wednesday 13 June 2012



What is science ? how does it works?. These are some of the most familiar questions that create curiosity in human minds. Well each mind has its own definition of science and how it works. Acc. to me science is just about the observance of natural phenomenon and using some statements to explain how it happened and also trying it to use it for our comforts.
How does it works can be understood by this example:-
Imagine a person who is trying to learn the game of chess which he tries it by watching two players playing it .He learns some of its moves by just watching and tries to figure out when to play a particular move. But sometimes a player can make a move which is totally out of  mind the new player, at that time player tries to figure out why does that move was made. This is how science works. Different phenomenon  of  nature are observed and are tried to explain with basic law.

                             But sometimes some phenomenon are not fully explained by the science as proper reasoning is not available to us.This gives rise to a mystery. Mysteries have always been fascinating the minds of scientists. They have trying to explain the different mysteries of the world. Mysteries are the unidentified moves of nature. In this segment we will try to figure out some of the most popular mysteries this world.

                ON December 5 1945 five planes of U.S. navy were flying over a region of North  Atlantic ocean for a regular navigation exercise. The leader of the navigation trip was Lt. Taylor.With no good reason the compass of the planes got malfunctioned. The radio transmission from the Taylor were heard as “I don’t know where we are.  We must have lost after last turn.” After sometime all the five planes got lost with no reason. All 14 men boarded got lost and nothing is known about them till now. The reason about this incident is still unknown. After that many other similar type of accidents happened in that region and region today is known as BERMUDA TRIANGLE.
         Acc. to U.S. BOARD OF GEOGRAPHIC  NAMES the Bermuda triangle does not even exist. They have no file on Bermuda Triangle. But unofficially the boundaries of the triangle are the STRAITS OF THE FLORIDA and the BAHAMAS and the CENTRIC CARRIBEAN ISLAND AREA and ATLANTIC EAST TO THE AZORES. The more familiar boundaries in most written works is MIAMI, PUERTO RICO and MID ATLANTIC  ISLAND OF BERMUDA. It is a heavily flown route both for travelling and commercial purposes. The Bermuda Triangle is also known as devil’s triangle. Many authors have given different names for this triangle (this name was given by Vincent Gaddis in a article in “Argosy Magazine” in 1964). Some of it are THE TWILIGHT ZONE, THE MAGIC RHOMBUS, THE TRIANGLE OF DEATH, THE PORT OF MISSING SHIP.

                              Countless theories have been given about the missing of the ships in the Bermuda triangle throughout the history. The magnetic malfunctioning was explained by the magnetic variation. Some say the disappearances were due to the extraterrestrial animal present in the sea. Some say that there is a route for the outer space present there through which the five planes got lost into the space. 
                                But some think that there is nothing mysterious about the Bermuda Triangle, the environmental factors are responsible for all the accidents. And also the human error could also be responsible for the accidents. A survey was done for the accidents happened in B.T. and it was found out that many of them have not even happened in B.T. and were wrongly reported. But there are still many accidents which are not reasoned. Some say that the mystery is just originated by the authors to create the curiosity in readers and some have different thoughts. The Bermuda triangle is one of the most fascinating places in our earth. It also creates fear in minds but also generates interest in our mind.                                                          
                                In the end I can say that where the science is unable to explain some phenomenon the human nature can create some of their own reasons on basis of just their own belief to explain that phenomenon without waiting for the more practical reason to come out. Is this the same happened in case of Bermuda Triangle I am not sure about it as most of the people will  also be. We can just wait that someday a proper will come out and this mystery will surely be solved forever.

Monday 11 June 2012




Curiosity, an incredible gift of nature to species on earth known as homo-sapiens (humans) in scientific language.  It is this curiosity that perhaps differentiates us from every other species on the planet. The most wonderful thing about us is that we wonder. We seek answers.
Humans from the very beginning are curious about their origin. The first question that arises is how life begins on earth. Ongoing farther the question arises how earth comes into the existence. Then the problem gets bigger as we want to know, where did the universe came from? What phases the universe had gone through before taking its present shape? What is the future of universe?  Did the universe have a beginning? What is the nature of time? Why does it always go in forward direction? Can we go back in time? Are we alone in this incredible, infinite, endless universe? Was it a coincidence that life started on earth or was it driven by some supernatural power? Does God really exist? Do we need to consider the existence of God, for explaining the origin of universe? Or can it be explained by the simple laws of nature?
Man has been searching the answers of these questions for a long time. Some of them had been solved, some still remain mystery. Till today, whatever man had concluded, he threaded it into a single branch of science known as astrophysics (physics of stars and planet).  It is one field where aptitude matter more than academic achievements. So, we will try to discuss about the origin, evolution of the universe. Also, we will discuss about the contributions made by some of the greatest physicists of all times.
Knowing about the motion of earth around the sun was perhaps the first major milestone achieved by the human civilization. Indian and Greek philosophers were the first to take interest in knowing the motion of planets and stars. The great Indian mathematician Aryabhata was the first who concluded that it is earth that rotates around the sun. He once said, “As for a sailor sailing in a sea, outside objects seems to be moving in opposite direction, for a person on earth, sun seems to be moving around the earth”. But unfortunately, his work remains unknown to the most of the world because lack of communication at that time. Thus, until 17th century sun was supposed to be moving around the earth.
Around 340 BC the Greek philosopher Aristotle, in his book ON THE HEAVENS, suggested that earth was spherical but not a flat plate. In support of his conclusion he put up two good arguments. 1st, he realized that eclipses of the moon were caused by the earth coming b/w sun and moon. Since the shadow was round shaped, it meant that earth must be round. If it had been a flat disk, shadow would have been elliptical (ellipse is the elongated form of the circle) for most of the time. Secondly, North Star appeared lower in the sky when viewed in the south then it did in the northerly regions. It was because North Star lies over North Pole, it appears to be directly above an observer at the North Pole but not to an observer at the southern region. Greek also argued that since we first see the sails of a ship coming over the horizon and later see the hull, it means that earth must be spherical.
There were some false assumptions made by the Aristotle. He thought that the earth is stationery. He believed that earth was the center of the universe and everything else moved around it in circular orbits. The cosmological model of this idea was given by Ptolemy. He suggested that earth was at the center of the universe and was surrounded by eight spheres. The 1st sphere carried the moon. The next six carried Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn respectively. The eighth and the last sphere carried the whole of the universe where stars supposed to be fixed relative to each other but rotate about the sky.
But he was unable to explain what was beyond that eighth sphere. He also did not explain the continuously changing size of moon as it sometime appears twice as big as at other times. Regardless of these defects the model became popular and was widely accepted.
Nicholas Copernicus, a Polish priest, suggested that earth was stationery and planets move around the sun in stationery circular orbits. But his idea was not taken seriously for the next hundred years.
About a century later, an Italian astronomer, Sir Galileo Galilee, widely regarded as the father of modern science, started to observe the night sky with a telescope. Galileo found that a number of moons or satellites orbit the planet Jupiter. Thus, he concluded that everything did not have to revolve around the earth directly. Johannes Kepler, another astronomer from Germany, at the same time found the laws of planetary motion. He suggested that planets moved in ellipses but not in circles. The prediction of elliptical orbits matches the observations perfectly. The several facts like change in apparent size of moon now can be described by taking earth as one of the foci of its elliptical orbit. But Kepler was still unable to explain the nature of the force that was responsible for the motion of stars and planets.
 The explanation was provided in the 17th century by one of the greatest physicists ever, Sir Isaac Newton, in his book “PHILOSOPHIAE NATURALIS PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA”. In his book, he not only put forward the Laws of Motion and Gravitation (laws that determines how bodies moves in space and time) but also, almost single handedly, developed a new branch of mathematics known as Calculus which was needed to analyze those motions.
  According to Newton’s law of Gravitation, “Each body is attracted by every other body in the universe with a force that depends upon their mass and distance b/w them. More massive the bodies were more will be the force and more will be the distance b/w them lesser will be the force”. Then after, Newton went to show that gravity causes the moon to move around the earth and the earth and the other planets to move around the earth in an elliptical orbit.
According to Newton’s theory of gravity, the star should attract each other, so they should remain in motion. But if they keep attracting each other they should ultimately fall together at some point. But this did not happen? WHY?
According to Newton’s law, ‘the stars, the planets, the galaxies and ultimately everything should fall together at a point’. But this did not happen.
Newton realized that since the universe is infinite, it has no center. Therefore, the stars have no point or center to fall in. If there would have been a finite number of stars in the universe then they indeed have possessed a center and must have fallen together at that point.     
In an infinite model of universe, every point could be considered as its center. If we consider a finite model of universe, in which the stars all fall in on each other. Suppose we increase the number of stars in that region. Then believing the Newton’s law, these stars too would fall in at the same point as it did not affect the already existing stars. Similarly, we can add as many stars as we want to. They all would still collapse at the assumed center. If we add an infinite number of stars outside this region, it would become an infinite static universe with a center, where according to Newton’s law of gravitation every star would fall to its center. Thus, we can conclude that, “it is impossible to have an infinite static model of universe where gravity is always attractive”.


Newton argued that universe could not be static and nature of gravity is always attractive. Also, we see that universe could not be static where gravity is always attractive. At that point of time people had two types of thought in their mind. The first one was that the universe could not be static and gravity was not always attractive. Since, it was easy to believe in having a creator of universe, some started believing that universe was static and unchangeable. Those who started believing in Newton’s theory started to modify the theory by taking gravity as repulsive in nature at very large distances.
But this assumption was logically wrong. HOW?
If we consider gravity as attractive at small distances and repulsive at large distances then b/w the planets or stars which are relatively closer to each other attractive forces will dominate and they will keep moving towards each other. Thus, ultimately they will fall together at some point. Similarly, b/w stars which are farther from each other repulsive forces will dominate and they will keep moving away from each other. So, this idea was not acceptable.
The predictions were still not matching the observations correctly. We still were far away from a theory that would explain the behavior of universe. The questions that were not explained till the beginning of 20th century were:
1. What is the nature of gravity?
2. Is universe static or not?  
In 1929, an astronomer, Edwin Hubble made a remarkable observation which just revolutionized our journey of understanding our origin and evolution of universe.
But till that time we had completely changed our view and the way we see the world. Our understanding of physics and nature was completely changed by some of the great discoveries.
What were the discoveries that had helped and still are helping through our journey of understanding the origin and evolution of universe?